Thursday, May 28, 2020

Wednesday May 27, 2020

Wednesday May 27, 2020

Blog time 1850 sitting in living room

I was first up at 0620.  Took Ms P out, it was warm and foggy.  Temperature was 70.  Today we have 15 hour and 4 minutes of daylight.

Nancy put on her walking clothes and headed out for her morning walk.  Today being Wednesday, my easy day, I did some light calisthenics before breakfast.

Checked the weather app and it said no rain until late afternoon.  That means I have time for a long ride, 10.5 miles.  Today I selected the single speed bike for my morning ride.  Lately I have not seen any critters on my rides.  Why?

At home I showered and then headed to Panera.  Ordered a coffee and bagel.  Sat in their parking lot to start my morning reading and check email.

At home I headed downstairs to the office.  Finished yesterday’s blog.  

I started a load of laundry before lunch.  Standard lunch followed by a nap.

After the nap I took a short walk and then fixed our apple snack.  For dinner tonight we had Cheerios and split a scone.  Scones are always good.

Can anyone control our President?  His tweets are becoming way out of line.  

We watched the news and Jeopardy before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched Wycliffe on Prime.  At least we thought Wycliffe was on Prime.  Not true because the show had commercials.  We have been watching this show for the past year and never encountered commercials.  Apparently this show is no longer on Prime. We will be more careful in the future.  We hate commercials interrupting the show.

Light sprinkle when took Ms P out at 2200.  Rain tomorrow and then a cool down for the weekend.

Talked to Debbie and Missy tonight.  We gave a positive report.


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