Thursday, May 7, 2020

Wednesday May 6, 2020

Wednesday May 6, 2020

Blog time 1240 sitting in office.

The alarm went off at 0600. Today I am attending Breakfast Club via Zoom.  My first experience with zoom.

Took Ms P out.  It was cool low 40s but sunny.  Headed downstairs and did calisthenics at 50%.  Dressed and had a quick breakfast.

Before Nancy took her 3.5 mile walk she drove to Panera and got me a coffee and bagel.  Nice Gal!

At 0745 I turned on iPad and followed the directions to fire up Zoom. Easy.  16 folks were in attendance this morning.  We had a few hiccups.  Folks forgot to turn audio off so we listened to phones and TVs in background.  This was quickly remedied by our leader.  My iPad screen showed only 9 on the 16 attendees.  I finally found out how to swipe sideways and get the rest of the participants.  Bottom line I think Zoom works great.

After the meeting I headed out on a 7 mile bike ride.  Beautiful day for a ride.

This and that:

On this day in 1938 in Ossineke, Mi:  Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote it was cold this morning.  They headed to the gardens but it was too cold for the Mrs so they headed home.   In the afternoon Great Grandfather planted some potatoes.

On this day in 1927 my Grandmother Margaret Hughes was on an Ocean Liner headed to Europe.  Grandmother said the seas were a little rough.  Grandmother kept a diary but never mentioned the year of the journey.  I do know she was in Paris when Lindbergh landed.  I googled the year of the landing.  Google rocks.

The Coronavirus is having a major impact on the economy.  Not only are large companies like the airlines and Boeing suffering but small firms are also suffering.  The news reported that the Michigan Maple Block Co in Petoskey is closing putting 56 employees out of work.  The Company makes butcher blocks and has been in business since 1881.  

All the Barber Shops and Hair Parlors are closed in MI.  Nancy wants in the worst way to get her hair cut.

When my Grandfather Hughes retired, late 1920s, one of the luxuries he enjoyed was getting a Barber shave.  Wonder what his reaction would be today?

After the bike ride I showered and then spent time in office finishing yesterday’s blog and reading news.  Quick lunch and then a nap.

After the nap I fixed our apple snack.  Took a 1.5 mile walk.

Light dinner followed by snacks.  Tonight’s major viewing was an episode of Grantchester.  It was ok.

Debbie and Missy checked in on their parents tonight.  We gave a positive report.

Took Ms P out at 2200.  Nancy joined us because she wanted to see the Super Moon.  The moon was indeed super, big and very bright.  Venus was also very visible.  

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