Saturday, May 9, 2020

Friday May 8, 2020

Friday May 8, 2020

Blog time 1730 sitting in living room.

On this date in 1945 the Germans surrendered ending the war in Europe.  VE Day is celebrated in Europe.  I was 7 at the time of the surrender.  I knew the war had ended but do not remember the ringing of church bells.  On VJ Day in August I remember the ringing of church bells.

Up at 0645.  Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  It was cold, 34, and windy.  Nancy headed out for her 3.5 mile walk.

I headed downstairs and did my calisthenics.  Breakfast and then bundled up and headed out for a bike ride.  The wind chill was in the mid 20s so I shortened my morning ride by 2 miles.  The sun was out so that helped my attitude on the ride.

At home showered and then Nancy and I got in the Escape and  took a morning drive.  Before getting underway stopped at Panera to get coffee and a bagel.  

Our goal today is to drive M21, Fulton, East to Ionia. Although it was cold the sun was out and we enjoyed our heated seats.   On our drive we passed Harvest Bread and made a quick stop so Nancy could purchase two loafs of bread.  Nancy was given a Mother’s Day cookie.  We split.

On our drive we passed through the small communities of Lowell, Saranac and Ionia.  We both loved the drive.  Total travel time two hours.  Just about our limit.

Quick lunch and then a nap.  Fixed our apple snack.  

For dinner tonight we ordered take-out from Brann’s.  Nancy had the steak sizzler and I had a burger.  Nice break.  Nancy just wished she could have had a Brann’s frozen Margarita.

This and that:

Recently I mentioned my Grandmother Hughes’ 1927 trip to Europe.  On this trip her companion was a Mrs Mannion(sp?).

So what was Grandfather Hughes doing while Grandmother was in Europe.  My Grandfather Hughes was 16 years older than Grandmother and he had no interest in Europe.  Grandfather was born in 1852.  Yes folks my Grandfather was born before the Civil War.

Grandfather owned the Island Saw Mill in Alpena and lumbermen made a lot of money.  It was the roaring 20s.  Of course when the stock market crashed in 1929 they lost everything.  

For his fantasy trip Grandfather got on a tramp steamer and sailed down the Atlantic coast to Panama.  He sailed through the Canal and then north up the Pacific to Washington state.   He visited his sister living in Washington state.  Took the railroad back home to MI.

The sheltering in place order has to be a real hardship for dating teens.  In my youth a favorite date was going to a  movie followed by a burger.  That cannot happen today.  Holding hands is light years better than talking on iPhones.

Tonight we watched an episode of Hunters on Prime.  Nancy gave it a C- and I gave it a B+.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  We all gave positive reports.

It was in low 40s when took Ms P out at 2200.  Freeze warnings are up for this evening.  Temps will fall to mid20s.  Good grief it is May. 

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