Saturday, May 30, 2020

Friday May 29, 2020

Friday May 29, 2020

Blog time 1550 sitting in downstairs office

Ms P slept in until 0630 today.  Nancy took her out.  It was raining with temps in low 60s.  Rain should stop at noon.

I quickly did my calisthenics and showered before breakfast.  After breakfast I headed to Panera and got coffee for the two of us.  I did spent several minutes in Panera’s lot checking on my email.

Kim comes to clean today.  She arrives about 0930.  To get out of Kim’s way Nancy and I took another scenic drive through NW Kent County.

Today we visited the small communities of Sparta, Kent City and Casnovia.  It was a very pleasant drive.  Great to see these small farming communities are surviving.  Apple growing and processing is the main industry in these communities.

The sun came out about noon.  Today I took a 9.5 mile bike ride on my Cannondale.  Last night’s rain must have been heavy because noted flooding everywhere.

I took another shower and then had a quick lunch.  I did watch President Trump’s press conference on China.  It was short with no questions allowed.  I thought the talk was well prepared.  Of course the media will blast it.
After lunch I took a quick nap.  Following the nap fixed our apple snack.

Tonight Nancy fixed salmon with scalloped potatoes and peas.  Very good.

Watched the news and Jeopardy tonight.  Started watching PBS news when Debbie called.  Normally I like the Friday night debate between Brooks and Shield. I recently found out I can watch the debate anytime on YouTube.  Love YouTube.  We gave Debbie a positive report.

Veronica also called and gave us a report on her family.  Everything is ok.  However, Veronica and Stephan are experiencing the trials and tribulations of raising a teenage son.  We told her this will pass.

Tonight we watched a crime show on Netflix whose name escapes me.  Nancy headed to bed early and I watched episode 1 of Season 3, Bordertown.

It was in the 50s when I took Ms P out at 2230.  Low temps tonight in high 40s.  Good sleeping weather.

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