Friday, May 8, 2020

Thursday May 7, 2020

Thursday May 7, 2020

Blog time 1200 sitting in office

I was up with the sun this morning, 0625.  Ms P was just waking up so we headed out.  Sunshine with temps in low 40s.  Not bad.

Normal morning, Nancy headed out for her 3.5 mile walk while I headed downstairs for calisthenics.  Breakfast and as I was heading out for my bike ride Nancy was finishing her walk.

Very pleasant morning for a bike ride.  Took my Summer 10.5 mile route.  Sun and mild, mid 40s, temps.  Not much wind.  

When I got home I found Nancy had purchased a bagel and coffee for me.  Nice gesture.

Shaved and showered before heading to the office.  Read the Alpena News and emails before finishing yesterday’s blog.  Also ordered Nancy a Mother’s Day present.

After lunch I headed to the den.  This blog is easy because today I binge watched a show on Acorn.  This show is called Line of Duty.

Turned on Apple TV at 1400 and watched until dinner time, 1800.
For dinner Nancy cooked a beef stew in the crock pot.  Very good.  

Watched the news and then at 2000 switched back to Acorn and concluded watching Line of Duty.  The show was over at 2200. Total screen time 6 hours.  Good show.

We all went out at 2200 to see the Flower moon.  Clouds obscured our view.

Debbie and Missy made their nightly check up call tonight.  We gave a positive report.

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