Thursday, May 21, 2020

Wednesday May 20, 2020

Wednesday May 20, 2020

Blog time 1000 sitting in office

The alarm goes off at 0600.  I grabbed Ms P and took her out.  Sunrise today at 0610 so the sun was just coming out.  Looks like a great day.

Wednesday my easy day so I started with some light calisthenics.  Breakfast and then headed downstairs to watch Breakfast Club on Zoom.  Nancy headed out for her morning 3 mile walk.

I fired up my iPad and checked the link to the Breakfast Club meeting.  No luck, I got another meeting.  I tried several more times but no luck.  Not a good start to the day.

I started checking on the flooding in Midland County.  Not much news because the officials probably were too busy to update the online info.  Will check later.

Jennifer called me and said that she had just talked to Eric Rickert, another ex employee,  who today was in Midland.  He said both the Curtis Road Bridge and Meridan Road Bridge had survived the flooding but the earthen road approaches at each bridge had washed away.  This is good news because the loss of the roadway provide a provides a great route for the flood waters.  It is easier to fix the earthen road than a concrete bridge.

The Midland flooding dominates the news in Michigan.  Governor Whitmer was in Midland looking at the damage.  The Governor must feel snake bit with both Coronavirus and flooding crisis.  She can’t get a break.  I happen to think she is doing a good job.

At 1100 I got on my bike and took a nice easy 8.8 mile bike ride.  It was warm enough for me to wear my knickers.  Every day I see more and more walkers and bikers.  The warmer weather sure helps.

At home showered before a quick lunch.

Afternoon activities included:

A nap
Apple snack
Mile walk

This afternoon Missy and AJ FaceTimed us.  They had just finished being tested for the Coronavirus.  The testing is required for all residents of LA.  I think this is a very good idea.  

Missy is still making and selling face masks and other PPE.  AJ modeled a face mask with USA flags.  Very colorful.

Light dinner followed by the news and Jeopardy.  Tonight we watched another episode of Midsomer Murders.  I think we are on season 14.

Nice and mild when took Ms P out at 2200.  Great weather forecast for tomorrow.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave her a positive report.


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