Sunday, May 17, 2020

Saturday May 16, 2020

Saturday May 16, 2020

Blog time 1500 sitting in office.

I slept in until 0700.  Nancy had already been out.  She was getting ready for her 3+mile walk.  Bright sun and temps in 50s.  Perfect day for a walk or bike ride.

I dressed and had breakfast.  I then headed to Panera and got coffee for the two of us.

Sat in living room drinking coffee, checking email and reading the Alpena News.  Very relaxing.

When Nancy got home she talked about the big deer that ran across the road right in front of her.  She also saw several brilliant red cardinals.

I left home for a long bike ride at 1030.  Today for the first time this year I wore my knickers.  Also set a distance record for the year.  I rode 14 miles.  Great feeling.  The trails were loaded with walkers and bikers.  

However, I passed several ball fields that in past years were very crowded on a Spring Saturday morning with families watching their kid’s ball games.  This year the fields were empty.  It has to take a toll on youngsters.

Shaved and showered before doing chores.  Emptied trash, hung up suet, etc and then lunch.  
No nap today but I did sit in my easy chair and watched the final episode of Season 2 of Bordertown.  I think I will put a trip to Scandinavia on bucket list.

Fixed our apple snack and then took a short walk.  For dinner we visited Culver’s.  Nancy got a hot fudge sundae.  I got a cod sandwich and a frozen custard.  Sat in living ate dinner and watched the news.

Tonight we watched a movie on Prime.  It starred Matt Damon and Danny DeVito and was based on a John Grisham novel.  We both gave it an A-.

Speaking of grades tonight when talking to Debbie the conversation got to our most difficult classes in College.  Nancy said it was Trig and Debbie had trouble with a economic’s class.  My most difficult class was called “Advanced Theory of Statically Indeterminate Structures”.  I did much better the second time.

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