Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Monday May 25, 2020

Memorial Day 2020

Monday May 25, 2020

Blog time 1730 sitting in office

It is sad that we will have no Memorial Day Parades this year.  However, I hope most folks remember the significance of this day.  On my bike ride this morning I did see a lot of homes displaying flags.

Until 1968 Memorial Day was celebrated on May 30.  All schools and businesses were closed that one day.

I was a Boy Scout in pre high school years.  Our troop alway marched in the Memorial Day Parade.  The Parade was a big deal.  The Army National Guard, many Veteran’s Groups, Alpena City Band,  Alpena High School and Catholic Central bands along with Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops marched.  As I recall we were never rained out.  I remember several parades where the temp was in the 70s.

Memorial Day was also an important date for me.  On this day my Mother said I no longer had to wear long underwear.  Life was simple in 1950.  

It was warm and sunny this morning.  Nancy headed out for her 3 mile walk.  I did some mild calisthenics before breakfast.  After breakfast on got on my single speed and took an 8.5 mile ride.  The temperature was in low 80s when I finished.

After a shower I drove to Meijer’s and filled up the Escape.  Gas was $2 per gallon.  Also stopped at Panera for coffee.

This morning Nancy and I took another drive visiting small towns in the area.  Today we visited Sand Lake and Cedar Springs.  We get a lot of pleasure visiting these towns.  All our small town drives take about 2 hours.  We get tired of sitting after 2 hours.

Lunch and then sat in living room reading.  I dozed off several times before Nancy told me to take a nap.  

I took a short nap.  After fixed our apple snack.  Finished the afternoon with a short walk in our back yard.  The ponds and open fields all looked good.

We had a light dinner.  For dessert we had a chocolate bundt cake.  It was great.

We watched the news and Jeopardy before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched an episode of Grantchester.  

The 80 degree temps and high humidity has been bothering Ms P.  Tomorrow we might have to turn the AC on.

Debbie and Missy called today.  We explained our Memorial Day activities.  Debbie is experiencing 90 degree heat.  She has her AC on.  The temperature in LA is much cooler than San Jose.  I told them we really are enjoying 80 degree heat.

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