Monday, June 1, 2020

Sunday May 31, 2020

Sunday May 31, 2020

Blog time 1730 sitting in living room

Up at 0630 this morning.  It looks like another beautiful sunny day.  It is cold, 45.  I had to turn the heat on to take the chill out of the house.

Nancy headed out on her morning walk.  I dressed and had my oatmeal, banana, toast breakfast.  After breakfast I headed to Panera to get two coffees.

Nancy walked 2.5 miles this morning.  Showered and then sat down to read the GRP and drink her hazelnut coffee.

At 0915 I fired up the iPad and watched Trinity Lutheran’s streaming service on YouTube.  This is their eleventh Sunday of streaming.  Today is Pentecost Sunday.

After breakfast I put on my bike riding clothes and took a gentle 9.6 mile ride.  Showered and then read the GRP from cover to cover.  It took 15 minutes.

This and that:

Our President has shown no leadership whatsoever in dealing with both the Coronavirus and the Minneapolis police brutality issue and subsequent rioting.

We had some rioting in GR last night.  Windows were broken at the GR Public Museum.  A small shop that sells olives on Monroe Center was vandalized and looted.  

Rioting is not the way to solve problems.

On a happier note I saw two deer in our back year, early this morning feasting on wild strawberries.

Nancy and I have noted how big the Robins are this year.  A good crop of worms?

Lunch today was the same as everyday.  Yogurt with fiber 1 cereal, cheese, hard boiled egg and three squares of chocolate.

In keeping with a years olds tradition I took a Sunday afternoon nap.  Fixed an apple snack before taking a mile walk.

Tonight Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs with sausage and an English muffin.  While enjoying our evening snack we watched 60 Minutes.  I was surprised that the show was a rerun.  No reporting on the rioting.

Tonight we watched the final two episodes of Thorne.  We gave the show a C+.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  Everything is ok in GR and CA.
Took Ms P out at 2200.  It was starting to get cold.  Low tonight in mid 40s. 

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