Monday, June 29, 2020

Sunday June 28, 2020

Sunday June 28, 2020

Blog time 1300 in office

Up at 0630.  It was another bright sunny day.  

First thing, Nancy headed to Meijer’s to buy milk.   She got carried away because everything must have been on sale.  We unloaded yogurt, apples, radishes, soft cheese and of course milk.

Nancy started looking at the ads in the GRP and noted that CVS had Fiber One cereal on sale.  We drove to the CVS in EGR and bought six boxes.

I fixed a quick oatmeal breakfast before the 0915 church service began.  According to the counter on YouTube, Church attendance was 122 which probably translate to 250.

After church Nancy and I took a short walk.  Nancy wants to start taking short walks.  The exercise is good for her recently operated on foot.

Before lunch I read the GRP and finished yesterday’s blog. Light lunch and then headed out on a bike ride.  Today’s ride was an easy 7 miles.

On a whim I recently put out a block of suet by our living room deck slider.  At this time of year never thought birds needed food.  Surprise! I replace the block twice a week.  We get primarily large jays and woodpeckers.  Fun to watch.

Being Sunday I took my mandatory afternoon nap.  Had an apple snack before dinner.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with sausage and a croissant.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes followed by another episode of “Line of Duty” on Acorn.  Took Ms P out at 2200.  She had a long seizure.  The seizures are becoming more frequent.  We see the Vet next week.

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