Sunday, June 14, 2020

Saturday June 13, 2020

Saturday June 13, 2020

Blog time 1630 sitting in office.

Up at 0700 this morning.  Nancy was already up and had taken Ms P out.  It was sunny with temperature in the high 40s but should warm up to 60s.  Nancy is moving quite well despite the big heavy boot she has to wear.

First thing this morning I did some light calisthenics.  Before breakfast I drove to Panera to get us our coffees.  Breakfast this morning was oatmeal, toast with peanut butter and a banana.  Same breakfast as I have every morning.

I checked my email and read the Alpena News before starting out on some errands.

Refreshed my coffee at Panera

Got the car washed

Filled up the Escape.  Gas was $2.19

It is the 13th so I bought lottery ticket at D&W.

Noon I suited up and headed out on a 10.5 mile bike ride.  Today I took my Cannondale Bad Boy.  Because I have 9 gears the Cannondale is not as tough on my joints as the single speed.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  I had my normal lunch of yogurt, hard boiled egg, cheese and several pieces of 88% cocoa.

This and that:

Coronavirus pandemic is having a major impact on our lives.

A lot of folks are forced to work from home or have lost their jobs.

No sports for either participants or spectators.

No schools.  Day Care facilities are closed so working mothers must stay home.

This morning on my bike ride I drove by the Y.  Normally on a spring Saturday morning over 200 cars would we in the lot.  Families would line the fences watching kids or grandkids playing soccer or softball.  Today the lot was empty.

We take a mask whenever we leave the house.  I am convinced that wearing a mask is very important in bringing the Coronavirus under control.

The Coronavirus will be brought under control but it will take a while to get back to normal.
Of course all the politicians are blaming each other for mishandling the Coronavirus.  It is shameful.  This has not been our President’s shining hour.

No nap today, instead I spent time in the office reading and writing yesterday’s blog.  Since Nancy has been having dental problems no apple snack either.  She is afraid that chewing on an apple will break her reattached crown.

For dinner tonight we had bean soup.  I had mine with coleslaw.  

After dinner we moved to the den and watched a movie on Prime whose name escapes me.  It was  a murder mystery set in London about 1880.  We liked it.

Debbie and Missy called us tonight to ask how we were feeling.  We gave a positive report.

It was cold when took Ms P out at 2200.  Temperature will drop to mid 40s tonight.  

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