Saturday, June 20, 2020

Thursday June 18, 2020

Thursday June 18, 2020

Blog time noon at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  I slept in until 0700.  It is going to be another sunny warm day.

Nancy made a quick trip to Panera to get her hazelnut coffee.  I headed downstairs and did my calisthenics.

Breakfast and then headed out on my week day bike ride of 10.5 miles.  I was heading south on Spaulding when noted a long line of cars.  Thought it was a bad wreck.  No traffic had stopped to let a large flock (gaggle?) of geese cross the road.  There were about 50 geese, young and old.  Largest flock I have seen.

Speaking of birds Nancy has commented on the number of pretty birds in our back yard.  I hung up a block of suet and the woodpeckers and cardinals love it.  Makes for good viewing.

Got home from bike ride at 1000.  Nancy had called the beauty shop and got an appointment for 1030.  She will take the car so I will bike to Panera.

Quick shave and shower before heading to Panera.  Panera was nearly empty.  I might have to find to new place to write my blog.  Panera is too cold.  Luckily I had a sweat shirt in my backpack to put on.  Also Panera has free coffee refills.  I think my recent stomach problems were caused by too much coffee.

This and that:

Supreme Court reject POTIS’s attempt to cancel DACA program.  Good decision.

Since I have a iPhone with a weather app I constantly am checking.  Is this overkill?

I think it is a bad idea for the President to have a Political rally in a Tulsa, OK Arena.  There will with 19,000 folks in attendance most not wearing masks.

I made a quick trip to Meijer’s to pick up a prescription.  Also bought wine, oatmeal and suet.

Today I did take a nap.  I also ate an apple.

Dinner tonight was hot dogs.  A great American standard.

Watched the news and then a show on Acorn.

Debbie and Missy contacted us today.  Everything ok.

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