Thursday, June 11, 2020

Wednesday June 10, 2020

Wednesday June 10, 2020

Today Nancy has her surgery.  We have to be at St Mary’s Hospital at 1015.

Up at 0630.  It was warm and humid.  Rain showers predicted on and off today.

I did some light calisthenics before breakfast.  I did make a quick run to Panera for coffee.

We left for the hospital at 0930.  Before entering the hospital we had our temperature taken and had to answer a series of Coronavirus related questions.  We were told to always wear our mask in the building.  Every single person I saw in the hospital was wearing a mask.

The actual check in was painless.  A nurse escorted us to a prep room.  Nancy was given the mandatory hospital gown and socks.  Nancy answered several questions that were required before surgery.  One question was if she had anything to eat in the last 10 hours.  Nancy said she had three grapes early this morning.  

BAD ANSWER!  The nurse made a quick check and because Nancy had eaten the surgery would be delayed until 1400.  Needless to say Nancy was upset.  A 4 hour delay because she had three grapes.  

Nancy insisted that she was not told about eating on the day of surgery.  (Note: several hours later I checked the provided pre surgery info and found no mention was made about not eating.) 

At 1130 I headed home to check on Ms P.  She was fine.  I ate a quick lunch and headed back to the hospital.  

When I walked in the room Nancy greeted me with a “guess what”.  The surgery was  delayed another 90 minutes.  

Finally, Nancy was rolled into the operating room. The actual time of surgery was about 30 minutes.  40 minutes after the surgery I met with the Doctor and was told that everything had gone well.  Nancy would have to wear a big boot on her left foot for several weeks.  She must try and keep her foot elevated as much as possible.  Aside from that no other restrictions

Nancy spent another hour in recovery.  We got home at 1800.   Nancy was wiped out.

Light dinner and then we headed to the living room.  Nancy sat on the couch with her foot elevated.  After the news and Jeopardy we remained in the living room and watched Murder City on Prime.  

This evening our first call was from Granddaughter Alessandra.  Alessandra had just received a phone as a present for her graduation from the 5th Grade.  She was checking it out.  We had a nice talk.

Debbie and Missy also called tonight.  They wanted to check on their mother.  We showed them Nancy’s designer boot.  

Nancy slept on the couch tonight.  She said it is more comfortable especially since she must elevate her foot.  We found a nice pillow that works great supporting the foot.  

Took Ms P out at 2200.  It was still raining.  In fact heavy rain for most of the morning hours.

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