Monday, June 22, 2020

Sunday June 21, 2020

Weekend Update for WE 21 June 2020

Saturday June 20, 2020

Blog time 1100 Saturday sitting in Living Room

I heard a noise at 0330 and Nancy had just taken Ms P out.  Yes folks 0330.

I slept in until 0700.  Today for the first time since February Nancy and I are driving to Panera for breakfast.  I had oatmeal and a toasted bagel.  We both had coffee.  It was such a nice day we sat outside.  Panera was not crowded.

The Summer Solstice starts today at 1743.  The longest day of the year.  A day celebrated by Druids at Stonehenge in the UK. 

I go into a funk at the start of the Summer Solstice.  The days will now start getting shorter which means winter is coming.  Bummer.

Spent time in office catching up.  At noon I headed out on a 9 mile bike ride.  Not many folks outside because it was hot, 87.

After the ride I shaved and showered.  For lunch I just had a yogurt.

Nap and then at 1600 Nancy and I drove to Sundance Grill for an early dinner.  Sundance was nearly empty.  We sat outside,  had a drink before ordering.  Wine for me and a margarita for Nancy.  

For dinner I had corn beef hash and eggs and Nancy had several deep fried egg rolls.  First time we have eaten at a restaurant since early March.  

This evening we watched movie Pale Horse.  We gave it a C.  

FaceTimed with Debbie and Missy today. 

Sunday June 21

First full day of summer.  Up at 0630 and headed downstairs for some mild calisthenics.  

Before breakfast I headed to Panera for my morning coffee.  Standard oatmeal, banana, bagel breakfast.  Light rain but it was a warm 80.

At 0900 turned on the iPad and watched the 0915 service from Trinity Lutheran.  This is the 14th Sunday of streaming church service.  They have solved all their technical issues.  I will be glad when we can return to normal Church service.  I think September is my best guess.

Spent the rest of the morning reading the GRP and online news.  Before a quick nap I took a 1.5 mile walk.

At 1500 Nancy and I drove to the Moleski’s for an early dinner.  I was glad the sun was out so we could sit outside and practice social distancing.  In addition to Tom and Linda Moleski, Mary Namey was also in attendance.

We had drinks before the meal. It was nice to sit outside and talk.

The meal consisted of beef, shrimp, grilled vegetables and baked onions.  The highlight of the meal was dessert.  We had chocolate s’mores brownies.  I had two.  A very pleasant evening.

We got home in time to watch 60 Minutes and a crime show on Acorn.  The temperature was 75 when took Ms P out at 2200.  

Speaking of Ms P she had a sudden seizure this evening.  This event went on longer than normal.  Luckily, we have an appointment with the Vet in early July. 

Today is Father’s Day.  Debbie, Missy and Stephen all gave me a call wishing me a Happy Father’s Day.  I appreciated it.

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