Thursday, June 18, 2020

Wednesday June 17, 2020

Wednesday June 17, 2020

Blog time 1730 sitting in Living Room.

I was first up at 0555.  Took Ms P out and it looked like another sunny day.  Temps will reach mid 80s later today.

Day’s activities;

Light calisthenics followed by breakfast.

Made a quick trip to Panera for coffee.

0740 attend Breakfast Club on Zoom.  Today’s attendance was 18.  The speaker was a financial planner with Raymond James.  The most interesting thing was that the Speaker for several years was a professional poker player.  He played online poker and made an annual income of 6 figures.  The Feds closed down online poker so he had to get a real job. 

Started out on a bike ride.  Took my Bianchi bike.  2 miles into ride got a call from Ada Bike saying my Cannondale bike was ready.  Turned around and headed home.  Nancy drove me to Ada Bike.  I rode the Cannondale home, a distance of 6 miles.  The new smaller tires made pedaling easier.

Nancy has a 1300 appointment with an Oral Surgeon.  She is getting a dental implant.  The meeting went well.

Spent an hour in office reading emails and papers.

Lunch followed by a nap.

I had an apple after my nap.

Took a mile walk.

This and that:

John Bolton’s book could cause trouble for the President’s re-election campaign.  I never thought much of Bolton especially when UN Rep.  He is a narrow minded conservative bomb thrower.

The USA badly needs a third party.  A country of over 300 million and the Dems and GOP can offer are two draft dodging old men who get confused when asked a simple question.

I bet there are millions of smart scientists working overtime to find a Coronavirus vaccine.  The rewards for success are tremendous.

I wear three light layers when biking.  Everyone I pass, walking or biking, is wearing a single tee shirt and shorts.  Do I have a problem?

I don’t care if we have a baseball or football season.  I recommend that men buy a good pair of walking shoes.  The benefits far outweigh watching TV.

I cannot recall a better stretch of weather than what we are now having.  I am savoring it. 

Tonight we had our normal Wednesday dinner.  Cheerios and toast.

Watched news and Jeopardy.  On Apple TV we watched another episode of Keeping Faith on Acorn.  The jury is still out on this show.

The temperature got up to mid 80s today.  Turned on AC at 1700 to cool down house.  Turned it off just before going to bed.  

Debbie and Missy made their nightly call to check on their tottering parents.  We gave a positive report.


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