Sunday, June 28, 2020

Saturday June 27, 2020

Saturday June 27, 2020

Blog time 1550 in office

Up at 0630, Nancy had already taken Ms P out.

Light calisthenics, dressed and then we drove to Panera.

It had rained most of the night so the outdoor furniture was wet.  However, a nice young lady wiped off a table and chairs.  

We both ordered coffee but I added a bowl of oatmeal and a plain bagel.  It was very pleasant sitting outside.  

On our way home we stopped a D&W to buy coleslaw for tonight.  Looked for disinfecting wipes but they were all out.  Our next stop was Lake Mi CU so Nancy could do some banking.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I headed downstairs to finish both Thursday’s and Friday’s blog.  I really got behind.

1230 I headed out on a 10 mile bike ride.  Encountered a lot of bike traffic on the trails.  No critters.

If I was King I would:

Eliminate March and add another June.  The 2020 June has been the best ever.

Anyone who posted a false statement would have his photo posted on the Hall of Shame.  Of course the Hall of Shame would pop up every time you turned on your iPad or computer.

Police would be unarmed.  Criminals using a knife or gun in committing a crime would be subject to the death penalty.  Think Congress would ever approve?

No political ads until 45 days before election.

During a pandemic masks would be required.  Mandatory fine of $133.

I would bring back the draft.  All young men at 18 would be required to spend 24 months in the service.  Putting all young men of all races in close quarters would solve a lot of future problems.  Also for those who serve the 24 months would be entitled to free college at state supported schools.

I would make everyone read today’s OpEd by Peggy Noonan in today’s WSJ.

After my bike ride I showered and shaved.  Lunch and then a quick nap.

Nancy and I took a short walk before dinner.  Tonight we finished the pin wheel sandwich.  We also had coleslaw.

After dinner we drove to Culver’s.  Nancy had a small hot fudge sundae.  I had a medium vanilla frozen custard.  Perfect for a hot humid evening.

Tonight we watched “Knives Out” was on Prime.  The movie was 2 hours and 10 minutes.  I gave the first 1 hour and 50 minutes a C+.  The last 20 minutes I gave an A.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed tonight.  We gave a positive report.

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