Sunday, June 7, 2020

Saturday June 6, 2020

Saturday June 6, 2020

Blog time 1530 sitting in office.

Today is the anniversary of D Day.  On this date in 1944 the Allied forces stormed the Beaches at Normandy.  It was the start of the end for Hitler’s regime.  In April 1945 the Germans surrendered.

I knew several men who were involved in the invasion.  They were reluctant to discuss their participation.

The D Day landing was not mentioned in today’s WSJ, Apple News or the UK’s The Telegraph.  It might be because only 15% of the population was alive in 1944.     

I got up at 0700.  Nancy was already up and ready for her walk.  It was sunny and warm.

Breakfast and then I headed out on a 10.5 mile ride.  Once again I took the single speed.  Today for the first time in weeks I saw a flock of wild turkeys.

Shaved and showered after the ride.  I drove to Panera and bought coffee and a bagel.  Read the Alpena News and my emails before heading home.

Every Saturday in the Alpena News, Doug Pugh writes a column of Alpena’s past.  Today’s article was significant because he wrote of a 1947 basketball game between some local players and the Harlem Globetrotters.  Tommy Collins and I went to the game with our Dads.  Great entertainment.

In 1947 Alpena businesses would not serve Blacks in local restaurants or hotels.  The players were hungry and needed gas for their bus.   A local told them of a small grocery/gas station in the small village of Hillman.  Hillman was about 30 miles west of Alpena.  The store was not open 24 hours but they left a light on and if you rang the bell a family member would help them.  Around 2200 the bell was rung and the 15 year old daughter of the owner came to the door in her bathrobe.  She gassed up the bus and provided the players with peanut butter, bread, pop and cookies.  She took their money and thanked them.  They returned the thank you.  Not a great moment for Alpena but a shining moment for the store owner’s family in Hillman.

Spent the afternoon paying bills and reading.  Walked to the mail box to post the bills.  Found time for a nap.

Nancy’s dental problems continued this afternoon.  She again lost a crown.  Same crown as last week.

Obviously Nancy could not enjoy her apple snack.  However, I did.

Jeff and Jackie Hartman had been having some major health problems lately.  Neighbors and friends were providing meals for them.  Saturday was Nancy’s turn.  

Nancy knew Jackie because of their joint volunteer work at the Gardens.  We had them over for dinner several years back and I found out that Jeff had been recruited out of Midland High School to play football at the University of Wyoming.  The coach at Wyoming was my high school coach.  We immediately hit it off.  Also one of their daughters was a high school classmate of Debbies.

Sadly we learned this morning that Jeff had passed last night.  At 1700 we delivered the meal to the Hartman family.  Rest In Peace, Jeff.

Tonight for dinner I finished the pinwheel sandwiches from Costco.  I had mine with coleslaw.

Tonight we watched a Netflix movie, “The Last Thing He Wanted”.  Good cast but terrible movie.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Nice weather continues tomorrow.

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