Thursday, June 4, 2020

Wednesday June 3, 2020

Wednesday June 3, 2020

Blog time 1000 sitting in waiting room Fox Ford

Today is my easy Wednesday and also Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Today’s meeting will be on Zoom.

Last night we had a major electrical storm roll through.  The thunder and lightning was intense as was the rain.  Both Ms P and Nancy slept through the storm.

The alarm goes off at 0600.  I head downstairs and do some calisthenics at 50% followed by a quick breakfast.  

At 0800 I fire up the iPad and connect to the BC Zoom meeting.  We had 16 members in attendance.  Today’s speaker was the Doctor in charge of the Kent County Health Department.  He gave an excellent talk on the Coronavirus.  My major take away.  Wear your mask, maintain 6 foot separation and wash your hands.  

After the meeting I decide to drive to Fox Ford and see if I can get my oil changed.  Stopped at Panera first to get a coffee to take with me.

I have tried twice recently to get the oil changed with no success.  According to their sticker I am two months overdue.  Today they were fully staffed and were able to accommodate me.  

Grabbed my IPad and found a lone table.  Did all my morning reading and finished yesterday’s blog.  First time in ages that I finished reading the WSJ before noon.

Got home about noon.  Changed clothes and headed out on a 9 mile bike ride.  It was warm and sunny.  No critters spotted on the ride.

Showered and had a quick lunch.  Spent time trying to fix the screen door on the downstairs slider.  No luck.  I am a total klutz when it comes to making repairs.  

It being Wednesday I did a load of laundry and took out trash.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.

We had a light dinner.  After dinner fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker/pill snack.  I had an oatmeal cookie.

After the news we watched an episode of Grantchester on Prime.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched an episode of Bordertown.  I slept through the last ten minutes.  

Debbie and Missy called tonight to see how we were doing.  We gave a positive report although we are getting cabin fever.

It was in mid 70s when took Ms P out at 2200.  Another nice day predicted for tomorrow.

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