Saturday, June 13, 2020

Friday June 12, 2020

Friday June 12, 2020

Blog time 1750 working in office

Once again I slept in until 0730.  Nancy had already taken Ms P out.

We have a busy morning so no bike ride until noon.  I did my calisthenics and then showered.  Breakfast and quick trip to Panera for coffee.  This morning we are attending the visitation for Jeff Hartman.  The visitation was held at St Pauls Catholic Church on Burton Road.

We arrived at 1000.  Strict Coronavirus rules were in place.  Masks were required.  It is kind of awkward because no physical contact is allowed.  

We talked to Jeff’s wife Jackie and daughter Chris.  Chris was a classmate of Debbie at OHHS.

Jackie was holding up well.  It must be difficult when you lose your spouse of 55 years.  

After the Visitation we made a trial run to find the location of two Doctors that Nancy has to visit in the next two weeks.  They are both located in the NE part of GR.  We found the offices with minimum effort.

We got home about 1115 and I suited up for a 10.5 mile bike ride.  Today I took the single speed.  I like this bike but my joints take a hit whenever I climb a hill.

After my second shower of the day I had lunch.  This afternoon I had what could be called a clothing run.

First stop was Kohl’s.  I bought some super duper briefs.

Next stop was Fitzgerald’s in Breton Village.  I have been looking at a wool blue blazer for months.  The blazer has a minimalist design.  Patch pockets and no lining or shoulder pads.  It is for casual wear with jeans or khakis.  It does have plenty of pockets for my toys.  I tried one on.  It fit perfect.  I bought it, just blew my clothing budget for the year.

At home I headed down to the office to finish yesterday’s blog and start my daily reading.  No apple snack today because of Nancy’s dental problems.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me two hot dogs.  Also had coleslaw that I bought earlier at D&W.  Love hot dogs.

Tonight I watched the Brooks and Shield debate on PBS News.  It was interesting.

Tonight we also watched the last episode of Arthur Hailey’s Detective.  We both liked the show.

Talked to Debbie and Missy this evening.  We told them how nice and cool it is in GR.  Positive reports for everyone.

It was cool when took Ms P out at 2200.  Temperature will drop to mid 50s this evening.  Cool for June.  15h 20’ of daylight today.

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