Friday, June 5, 2020

Thursday June 4, 2020

Thursday June 4, 2020

Blog time 1740 sitting in office

We all got up at 0630 this morning.  This morning we are going to take advantage of Costco’s and Meijer’s senior shopping time.  

I do several quick exercises before breakfast.  Our first stop was Costco at 0700.  Not a soul in sight.  We miscalculated.  Senior hour does not start until 0800 so we make a quick trip to Meijer’s.

Today along with everyone else we wore our mask.  I am pleasantly surprised that everyone at both Meijer’s and Costco wore a mask.  

We purchased several items but were disappointed that Meijer’s was out of Disinfecting Wipes.  We dropped the items off at home before heading back to Costco.  

We had to wait in line for several minutes before the store opened.   It was nice to see that when the doors were opened every one was very orderly.

We had several big items that we had to purchase.  Trash bags, waste basket liners and paper towels.  Just these three items almost filled the basket.  

Like Meijer’s Costco was also out of Disinfecting Wipes.  We did get several months supply of peanut butter, sandwich thin bread and prunes.  Nancy also purchased some pinwheel sandwiches for dinner tonight.  We have friends who are having serious health problems so we purchased a prepackaged dinner that we will take to them on Friday.

At home Nancy dressed for a walk.  The temperature was near 80 so she dressed appropriately.

I finished my calisthenics before heading out on a 10.5 mile bike ride.  Today I took the 50+ year old single speed.  This bike is a joy to ride.

Shaved and showered as soon as I got home.  Lunch 

This and that:

I talked to old employee Eric Rickert this morning on damages to the Curtis Road Bridge in Midland County.  As I have mentioned in recent blogs SCECO designed this bridge in the mid 90s.  Eric is involved in getting the bridge back in service.  Most work will involve fixing the washed out road leading to the bridge.  Glad Eric keeps me in the loop.

GR has been experiencing some civil unrest.  Despite the curfew the demonstrators still did their thing.  Most of the destruction has been done by unemployed young white folks both male and female.

In the big cities Crime gangs have been taking advantage of the unrest to rob and loot.  The WSJ had several articles of gangs driving up to high end stores in expensive cars and using power tools to break in and loot the stores.

What will happen in Hong Kong?  It was a major power grab by China.  They thought that most of the world was distracted by the Coronavirus.  

The UK is thinking of offering asylum to Hong Kong residents.  What will the USA response be?

The opinions of folks on the USA riots are generational.  Our kids are generally supportive.  Us old folks think otherwise.

The President has shown terrible leadership in dealing with the demonstrations.  He is a divider and makes no effort to unite.

I did find time this afternoon for a nap.  Fixed our apple snack after the nap.

For dinner tonight we had some of the pinwheels sandwiches we bought this morning at Costco.  Very good. 

We talked to both girls, Debbie and Missy, this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Tonight we watched Murder City on Prime.  We like this show.  Temperature in mid 70s when took Ms P out at 2200.  Nice weather will continue.  Great news!

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