Friday, January 31, 2020

Thursday January 30, 2020

Thursday January 30, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Nancy was up at 0600 but I stayed in bed until 0630.  Nancy headed out at 0700 for her Thursday swim.

After breakfast I drove to the Y.  Tomorrow I will take my bike.  It was 29 and gloomy.  Several folks this morning have complained about our lack of sunshine.

The Y was just not crowded this morning.  I did calisthenics and a mile walk.  Showered and then headed to Panera for coffee, baguette and some time on the iPad.

After Panera I will get the Escape filled up and then visit Land’s End in the old Eastbrook Mall.  This and that in news:

Will the Senate allow witnesses in the impeachment trial?  Why not I say.

The Coronavirus epidemic in China shows no sign of letting up.

The Drug cartels dug a tunnel nearly a mile long and 75 feet below ground under the US Mexican border.  This is an amazing feat.  Indicates the money to be made selling drugs.  Short of shooting drug dealers what is the solution?

After Panera I did get the Escape filled up.  Gas was $2.44.  Stopped at Land’s End but bought nothing.

I think January has set a record in GR for the least amount of Sun.  Depressing!

Two features I like on my Escape:  blind spot indicator and electric seats.  Also AWD.

As soon as I got home I put out corn for deer.  Took a 2 mile walk before lunch.

I thought my pulled muscle in my abdomen had healed but this week it came back.  I got careless with my exercises.  After lunch I stretched on the recliner with a heating pad over the sore spot.

Finished the afternoon with an apple snack.  For dinner Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.  

We had our after dinner snack and watched the news/Jeopardy before switching to Prime and watching episode 1 of a new season of Endeavour.  Good show.  

Light snow on ground when I took Ms P out at 2200.  Nancy likes fresh air when sleeping so she opens the slider.  No problems because I turn the electric blanket on H.  Love my electric blanket.

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