Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Tuesday January 21, 2020

Tuesday January 21, 2020

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Nancy was up at 0600.  She said the temp was in mid teens with no wind.  She left home at 0700 for her Tuesday swim.  She did not look forward to swimming on such a cold day.

After breakfast I drove to the Y.  Calisthenics/walk and 2K row before shower.  Drove directly to Panera after Y.  Later I will take a short walk.  

This and that:

The coronvirus outbreak in China appears very serious.  It is even impacting the stock market.  It looks like public health officials are making a good effort to contain it.

Today is the first day of the Impeachment trial.  Hope everyone is civil.

The Virginia gun rally so far is peaceful.  I look at a lot of the participants and they appear to be adults playing guns.  Why does anyone need an assault rifle?  I think allowing open carry guns in bars is a bad idea.  Alcohol and guns don’t mix.

Is France’s Macron getting an upper hand with the militant unions?
As soon as I got home put out corn for deer and then took a two mile walk.  Lunch and then took a nap in my recliner.  I pulled a stomach muscle rowing this morning so I put a heating pad on affected area.  Slept soundly for a good hour, the pulled muscle felt better.

Spent an hour putting more family data on the Ancestry data base.  Presently I am using both Ancestry and My Heritage sites.  It is expensive keeping both sites active.  I plan on discontinuing My Heritage later this year.

Tonight Nancy fixed a pork chop with rice, onions and carrots dish.  She cooked it in the crock pot.  Very good.  

We had our evening snacks while watching the news.  Tonight we watched NCIS.  I stayed up and watched the final episode of Giri/Haji.  I gave this show a C.  Confusing and disoriented.

My Sister, Helen, texted me that she heard a home is for rent in Tucson.  She gave me a number to call.  Will contact tomorrow.

It was a pleasant 25 when I took Ms P out at 2200.  A warming trend coming for the end of the week.  Bummer! It is winter the temperature should never get above 32.

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