Saturday, January 11, 2020

Friday January 10, 2020

Friday January 10, 2020

Blog time 1150 at Panera

The temperature was in mid 40s this morning.  Very unseasonable.  However, all the weather folks are saying that later today the storm of the century will roll in.  High winds, snow/rain mix and cold.  Winter advisory up for West Mi.

Nancy has a busy morning.  After MVP she is having coffee with friends followed by her monthly Book Club.

Drove to Y for calisthenics and walk.  Showered and drove home.  Picked up backpack and walked to Panera.  Drank coffee, completed yesterday’s blog, read news headlines before walking home.

Afternoon activities included:


Put out corn for deer.

Drove to Groskopfs and Bill and Paul’s to look around.  Purchased nothing

Took nap

Drove to D&W and bought bananas.
For dinner Nancy fixed me poached eggs and waffles.  Great winter dinner.

We watched news.  It was Friday so I like the segment on the PBS Newshour call Brooks and Shield.  I enjoy the give and take on the week’s news, especially comments of David Brooks.

Two of us watched Keeping Faith and I stayed up and watched the new Netflix show Giri/Haji.  It was starting to rain and 45 when I took Ms P out at 2200.  45 degrees in January!

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