Friday, January 10, 2020

Thursday January 9, 2020

Thursday January 9, 2020

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Nancy was up early and gave me a weather report, cold and windy.  She headed out at 0700 for her swim.  Today she is having lunch with her friend Kathi Kothe.

Quick breakfast and then I drove to the Y.  Where are the New Year’s resolution folks?  The Y was not busy.  Calisthenics/walk and shower before driving home.  Picked up my backpack and walked to Panera.

Brief comments on news:

Downing of Plane in Iran.  I think it was shot down.

Henry and Meghan, once again who cares.

Carlos Ghosn, clever escape from Japan.  What now?

The Vegan crazies are attacking beef and other meat products.  My Grandfather was a beef farmer and I would like to know his comments about the current debate?  I am a carnivore and proud of it.  Meat is a luxury in most third world countries and folks look forward to a nice steak.

Hong Kong, I don’t think most folks thought the demonstrations would last this long.  Free speech and democracy trumps a police state.  
I think bigness is bad.  Boeing, General Motors, Facebook and the Federal Bureaucracy are prime examples of organizations that are too big.  The Public Union strikes in France is another example.  One union can bring the country to it knees.  

I had a strong headwind on my walk home from Panera.  The temp might be above freezing but a headwind chills you to the bone.

At home I was going to put out corn for deer and saw that yesterday’s corn was untouched.  Tomorrow.

Before lunch I drove to Costco to get supplies, sandwich thins, prunes, cheese and mini naans.  Thursday afternoons are Seniors day at Costco.

Lunch, a quick nap and then I headed downstairs to clear my desk.  We are starting to get end of year tax info.  

Just checked the annual report for a annuity I purchased a number of years ago.  Annuities get a bum rap but I think in my case it was money well spent.

I am still amazed at how easy computers make banking today.  This afternoon I transferred funds between banks.  It was a breeze.  Still have some anxiety about security,

Nancy had pizza for lunch today and she only ate a small piece.  I gladly finished it for dinner.  

This evening after the news, Jeopardy and a snack we watched an episode of MidSomer Murder.  I made a mistake and used Prime TV.  The show had advertisements.  It was maddening.  After the show I checked and found I should have watched the show on Acorn.  No ads.


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