Thursday, January 2, 2020

Tuesday December 31, 2019

Tuesday December 31, 2019

Blog time 1130 at Panera

New Year’s Eve 2019.  The last day of the decade.

Ms P and I went out at 0530.  Overnight we had about 3 inches of new snow.  I had to shovel our courtyard drive.

Nancy headed out to MVP at 0700.  Today is her first swim in two weeks.  I had a light breakfast and then drove to the Y.  

Today for the first time in a week I did my normal Y routine.  The Y was not crowded today.  I expect on Thursday it will be crowded with all the New Year’s resolution folks.  The crowd lasts about 4 weeks before rapidly declining.

Drove home, grabbed my backpack and walked to Panera.  Read my email and finished several blogs.  Don’t expect our home internet to be on today.

Past New Year’s Eve

When I was a junior in high school I went to a New Year’s Eve dance at the high school.  I liked to dance but was not yet into dating.  At midnight all the guys started kissing the girls.  I found out this was standard for NYE.  It took some nerve but I joined in.  Ended up kissing most of the girls.  I thought wow this is great.  Changed my young life.

12/31/61 and 12/31/63 were the only NYE I was not with family.  I was in Navy: 1961 on Midway Island and 1963 in Vietnam.  I cannot remember doing anything special.

The NYE before Nancy and I were married we attended a dance at the Winah Club in Alpena.  I was very proud when several men complimented me on the great looking girls I was dating.

Our first married NYE was 12/31/65.  We were living in Redwood City, Ca.  We spent a quiet evening at home.

Most of our NYE were very relaxed.

Walked home from Panera. We still do not have internet so I caught up with reading back issues of Time and National Geographic.  I did take a short nap and fixed our apple snack.

For dinner we headed to Brann’s.  We arrived at 1700 and the place was empty.  I had a bowl of chili and Nancy a sandwich.  

No Netflix so we watched NCIS and some football before heading to bed at 2200.  Not exactly a wild evening.

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