Thursday, January 9, 2020

Wednesday January 8, 2019

Wednesday January 8, 2020

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Nancy complained that it was really cold this morning.  I checked it was 17 but with a 22 mph wind the wind chill was in single digits.  Nancy was right.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Did some reduced calisthenics at home and then shaved and showered.

I had planned to walk to Panera but it was too cold.  Sissy!  Drove to D&W to mail a package to Debbie and then headed to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.

This and that:

In my youth I always liked January.  The City had several ice rinks around town and also a regulation size hockey rink.  I would play hockey almost every night in January and February.  Of course the ice was natural and you always worried about a thaw.  However, I don’t recall missing many days of hockey.  

This year January has been so mild I doubt a natural ice rink can be maintained.  Too bad because skating and hockey should be played outdoors.

In the 50s men wore rubber boots, galoshes, over their dress shoes.  The galoshes protected your dress shoes and kept your feet warm.  Today I never see men wearing galoshes.

Today I did make a rapid read of the news.  Found nothing I want to comment on.

It was still too cold for an outdoor walk when I left Panera.  Drove to the Y and walked two miles inside.  Different crowd at noon than at 0900.

Nancy is working at Meijer’s Garden this afternoon.  She had already left before I got home.  

I was getting ready to put out corn for deer when I saw three deer waiting for me.  They looked scrawny.

Being “rope yarn” Wednesday I did a load of laundry and took out the recyclables and trash.  Even found time for a nap.

Nancy got home early from the Gardens.  She said not many folks visited today.  

For the past two days I did not fix our apple snack.  Bummer!  However, after dinner I did fix our after dinner snacks.

Tonight we watched a show on Prime whose name escapes me.  I have been going to bed earlier than normal because I have been reading a good book.  It is a Sunny Randall book by Robert Parker.  Parker writes great dialogue and short chapters which is good for someone prone to fall asleep.

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