Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Monday January 6, 2020

Monday January 6, 2020

Blog time 1150 at Panera

Got up at 0630, Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  Temps in high 20s with strong wind, 22 mph.

Nancy headed out for her class at MVP.  Later, she is having lunch with her retired hospital group.

This being the first full week of the new year we expected both MVP and the Y to be crowded with new year resolution folks.  It happens every year.

Breakfast and then I drove to Y.  Arrived at 0815.  The parking lot was jammed, however, noted a lot of folks leaving.  I timed it just right.  A fitness trainer said the place was jammed between 0600 and 0800.  It was not crowded at 0830.  

Calisthenics/walk, shower and then drove home.  Picked up backpack and headed to Panera.  Miserable walking into the 22 mph wind.  Finished weekend blog and started reading the news.  

This and that from the news:

The fires in Australia are so vast it is hard to get a handle on their massive destruction.  It is especially sad when we see injuries to Kangaroos and Koala Bears.

The Iranian General killed by US air strike was a very bad man.  Enough said.

Who cares about Harvey Weinstein?  

Impeachment talks heat up.  Once again who cares?

I watched about 10 minutes of this weekend NFL playoffs.  No interest.

Iraq Parliament votes to ask US troops to leave.  Should be noted that Sunni and Kurd members of Parliament boycotted the vote.  If the full parliament wants us to leave, we should.

The walk home from Panera was bearable because had the 22mph wind at my back.  As soon as I got home I drove to Meijer’s.  Bought 6 bottles of my favorite wine, sugar free oatmeal cookies and a soap dish.  The soap at the Y is super harsh on my skin.  I will provide my own soap.

After lunch I took a nap, followed by an apple snack.  Today I called Sirius Radio to talk about my recent bill.  When they explained the bill was for two years I said ok.  The charge was fair.

Paid our Township property taxes.  Called My Heritage to talk about my bill.  I was on hold for about 30 minutes before hanging up.

Light dinner followed by evening snack.  Watched the news and Jeopardy before switching to Netflix.  Watched a Welsh crime show.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Ultraviolet, a Polish Crime show.  It was terrible.

Mild weather continues tomorrow, yo-yo weather the rest of the week.  Highs of 37 Tuesday, 24 Wednesday, 44 Thursday, etc.  The mild weather has confused folks, me included.

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