Friday, January 17, 2020

Thursday January 16, 2020

Thursday January 16, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up at 0630, Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  She said it was cold, 27, and windy.  

The temperature at 1130 had dropped to 23 with 18 mph wind, wind chill 8.  The days are slowly getting longer.  We gained 24 minutes of daylight since December 22.

Today Nancy left early for her swim.  Later this morning she has an appointment with eye doctor.

I drove to the Y.  Calisthenics/walk and today I rowed 1200m.   If my rowing app on my watch is correct my average heart rate was 180, great aerobic exercise.  

At home I took Ms P out and then grabbed backpack and walked to Panera.  Miserable walk because walked into the wind.  Brr!  Drank my morning coffee, wrote blog and read the news.  The walk home was better because I had wind at back.

As soon as I got home we started running errands.

First stop was Harvest Bread where Nancy bought a loaf of her favorite whole grain, high fiber bread.

Next stop Costco.  We bought a rotisserie chicken for dinner, Cheerios, scalloped potatoes for dinner, windex, and shaving cream.  Most of the folks at Costco on a Thursday afternoon are seniors.

Emptied the car and then took the Taurus to D&W for gas.  It was nearly empty.

Started a new bag of corn today.  I still am putting out only six ears daily.  Today three deer showed up at 1800 and made short work of eating the corn.

Other afternoon activities:

Fix apple snack
Checked my credit card charges.

For dinner we had the rotisserie chicken with scalloped potatoes and peas.  Very good.

The evening news today highlighted:

Congress passes the North America Free Trade legislation by a wide margin and then start the acrimonious impeachment trial.

Brexit will finally happen Jan 31 at 2300.

We watched an episode of Brokenwood Mysteries before turning in.  Temperature will drop to mid teens tonight.

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