Monday, January 13, 2020

Sunday January 12, 2020

Sunday January 12, 2020

Blog time 1130 Monday at Panera

We received just a dusting of snow overnight.  Our drive had been salted.  Tahoe Drive although snow covered looked negotiable.  Our paper delivery folks had delivered our paper.

The walks are ice covered so no Sunday morning walk.  I dressed had a quick breakfast and then drove to Panera.  I thought if I can make it to Panera then we can make it to Trinity  Lutheran.  Panera was empty.  Bought coffee for the two of us.

We left early for Trinity Lutheran expecting bad roads.  Surprise! the roads to Trinity had been plowed and salted.  Very small crowd at Church.

Stopped at Meijer’s for supplies.  Even Meijer’s was not crowded.  Filled up the Escape but cannot remember the gas price.  I just know it took only $15 to fill up.  $15 a week for gas is not bad.  

Before lunch I took a 1.5 mile walk with no problems.  Lunch and then a nap.

After all their strong denials the Iranians finally admitted to shooting down the Ukrainian plane.  I thinks the evidence was overwhelming.  

This afternoon we attended an open house at Kathi Kothe’s.  Kathi had fixed a great buffet.  Ten folks were in attendance.  Nancy and I forgot our diets and enjoyed the meatballs, cheese, lemon bars and cake.  Very good.  The champagne punch was not bad either.

We got home in time to watch 60 Minutes followed by The Heart Guy on Acorn.  I stayed up and watched Giri/Haji.

We were lucky the Storm of the Century passed us by.  

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