Thursday, January 2, 2020

Wednesday January 1, 2020

Wednesday January 1, 2020

New Year’s Day 2020, the start of a new decade.

Blog time Thursday 1100 at Panera

We all slept in today.  I did drive to Panera to get us both a coffee.  Bright sun and temps in low 30s this morning.

On New Year’s Day 1948 our family was invited to a NYD party at the home of Katie Fletcher.  About 50 folks were in attendance.  Great party food was provided.  The purpose of the party was to listen to the Rose Bowl.  Michigan was playing USC.  That’s right we listened to the game.  No TV in Alpena.  UM won 48-0.

Today Nancy and I left home at 1000 and headed to the Moleski’s for a NYD brunch.  We had cottage cheese pancakes, eggs Benedict, sausage and coffee cake.  Champagne was provided but I elected to have a Bloody Mary. My first Bloody Mary in years.  I had forgotten how good they tasted.  

We spent a pleasant 3 hours eating and talking.  Surprise we watched no football.  

At home I took a 2 mile walk and then a nap.  I did watch some of the UM/Alabama game and also the UW/UO Rose Bowl game.  Both were disappointing.

We had a very light dinner.  No streaming service so we watched a show on ION.  We both were in bed by 2200.

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