Monday, January 6, 2020

January 5, 2020

Weekend Update for WE 01/05/2020

Blog time 1115, Monday at Panera

Saturday January 5:  

I spent a restless night.  I ached all over and could not get warm. 

No walk to Panera today, we drove.  I had my standard Saturday fare.  We got home and found that our internet was working, finally.

I concluded that I am suffering from a reaction to my shingles shot.  Debbie had commented that she had a bad reaction from her shot.  I called Debbie and my symptoms mirrored hers.  First time I have ever had a reaction from a shot.

Except for putting out corn for deer, I spend most of the day sleeping.  We even cancelled our monthly dinner with Sonya.  I just was not up to it.

Sunday January 5, 2020

Up at 0600 and took Ms P out.  I felt 100% better than yesterday.  However, I did not want to push my luck so no walk this morning.

0830 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Church was crowded.  Trinity is starting the new year with events being held almost every day.  

After church, we stopped at CVS to purchase Fiber One cereal that was on sale.  Bought six boxes.  Next stop Meijer’s for gas and some supplies.

Before lunch I took a 1.5 mile walk in bright sun.  Put out corn for the deer.

Quick lunch and then took my Sunday nap.  After the nap:

Watched some of the UM/MSU game.

Spend several hours checking emails and credits card purchases.  Only briefly watched some of the NFL game.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs. Also had bacon and spinach pie.

This evening finished reading the GRP and watched 60 Minutes.  I was surprised that 60’ did not mention the killing of the Iranian General.

We did not watch the Golden Globes.  Watched an episode of Marvelous Mrs. Maisel instead.  Temps in high 20s when headed to bed.

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