Thursday, January 16, 2020

Wednesday January 15, 2020

Wednesday January 15, 2020

Blog time 1730 sitting in office

The alarm goes off at 0515 and I get right up.  Today I have Breakfast Club.  Dressed, took out Ms P and then headed downtown.  I did stop at Panera to get a coffee to take with me.  I needed my morning coffee. Temperature will hover around 32 all day.  Rain this afternoon.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEBORAH LOUISE SCOTT.  I remember Debbie’s birth vividly.  Nancy went into Sequoia Hospital late on Friday the 14th and Debbie was born in the early hours of the 15th.  We had no insurance and so we paid cash.  It was not very much.

Interesting fact:  we left CA about 18 months after Debbie’s birth.  She grew up in MI and has worked in MI, Japan, Illinois before moving to CA.  She now lives a short distance from Sequoia Hospital.  What goes around comes around!

Good crowd at BC this morning.  The speaker was an old neighbor from OHNA who is now Director of World Affairs Council of West MI.  He talked about the upcoming programs.  Looks interesting.  Good talk!

Stopped at Y on way home and did calisthenics and a walk.  As soon as I got home I walked to the Post Box to mail some bills.  
At home I did my Wednesday chores, took out trash, load of laundry and corn for deer.  Lunch and then a nap.

As soon as Nancy got home I fixed our apple snack.  Spent an hour in office fiddling around.  Fiddling is what old folks do.

We had a light dinner and then our after dinner snacks.  News, Jeopardy and then started an episode of Hidden on Acorn.  We had previously watched several episodes, but this episode was too dark and gloomy.  Nancy headed to bed and I switched to Giri/Haji.  

Winter returns tomorrow.  Low tonight will be in mid 20s.

Blast from January 15, 1938, Ossineke, Mi.  Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote in his diary that it was 10 degrees.  His cow had recently died and he had a friend take the hide.  Life was simple in 1938.

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