Monday, January 20, 2020

Saturday January 18, 2020

Saturday January 18, 2020

Blog time 1440 sitting in office

I slept in but Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  She said we had over 6 inches of snow.  I was up at 0700, dressed and went outside to check on the condition of the roads.  Surprise! our drive had just been plowed.  I finished shoveling our walks.

Cars were negotiating Tahoe Drive ok so Nancy and I drove to Panera.  I had my usual oatmeal breakfast.  Not many folks at Panera.

This morning I drove Nancy to the Cascade Library.  They are having a book sale.  While Nancy was shopping I read the Detroit Free Press.  I grew up reading the DFP and had forgotten what a good paper it was.  I think I will buy the digital edition.

It has been snowing and raining all this morning.  I wanted some exercise so I drove to the Y.  The Y was jammed.  A lot of youth sports were underway.  Calisthenics and a mile walk before showering and shaving.

Lunch and then spent several hours in office checking email and reading news.  I did find time for a nap.  

Fixed our apple snack and then at 1715 Nancy and I headed downtown.  We have 1800 reservations at the Bull’s Head Tavern.  The freeway was in good shape despite the heavy snow.  Parked in the City/County structure and made the short walk to restaurant.  

Our purpose in being downtown is to attend a Pops Concert.  Kathi Kothe joined us for dinner.  Nancy and Kathi had soup and a small salad.  I had the white fish dinner.  Great white fish.

The concert venue has metal detectors.  I forgot and had to surrender my small jackknife.  Bummer.

Great concert.  The theme was music from the movies.  Music from oldies like “Bridge over River Kwai”, “Ben Hur”, James Bond movies, Dr Zhivago, Gone with the Wind, Star Wars, etc.  You had to be a senior citizen to really appreciate the music.  Nancy and I loved it.

The drive home was an adventure.  Heavy snow made visibility poor,  we averaged 25 mph.  Got home at 2200 and went straight to bed.

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