Thursday, January 23, 2020

Wednesday January 22, 2020

Wednesday January 22, 2020

Blog time 1040 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday, thank goodness!  Nancy was first up.  She said it was cold, 25.  Nancy left for MVP at 0730.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.

I did some calisthenics at 50%.  Took a shower.  Today I used the upstairs shower because it is cold downstairs.

Bundled up and walked to Panera, 1.2 miles.  Walked into a stiff west wind.  Good news, I will have the wind at my back on the walk home.  More good news, the sun is out.

Extracurricular winter activities while in grade school.

Sleigh rides:  about twice every winter my grade school would go on an after school sleigh ride at a local farm.  All the kids would pile into a sleigh that was pulled by a team of horses.  Blankets and hot chocolate were provided.  Great fun especially when sitting next to the cute redhead.

Ice skating races:  the City maintained several ice rinks around the City.  The big rink at Michekewis Park had an Olympic size oval.  Also a regulation hockey rink.  

Once a year afternoon classes were canceled and we would all go to Michekewis rink.  All the grade schools would participate.  Boys and girls races included sprints and relays.  Great afternoon fun.

High school:
Alpena High had a ski club.  Although not many ski areas were nearby.

Several high school students belonged to the Alpena Speed Skating Club or the Figure Skating Club.

No High School Hockey but the City sponsored a Hockey league.  Tommy Collins and I were about the only high school students to play.  The league was called the Beer Distributors.  Stroh’s, Goebbels, Frankenmuth, and Pfeiffer’s beer were sponsors.  

The City Merchants also had a City team called the Alpena City Merchants.  They also sponsored a Junior team.  Tommy Collins and I played on both teams.  Games were held with surrounding communities on Saturday and Sunday.

Winters were great if you liked being outside.

The walk home from Panera was pleasant.  Sun and wind at back helped.

Being Wednesday I did all my normal chores, trash and recyclables to curb, laundry and feed deer.  Found time for a nap.  

Spent time in the office working on family history data.  I tried to download the Family Tree Builder.  It is a free addition to My Heritage.  Spent an hour trying to complete the download but no luck.

Nancy got home from the Gardens at 1700.  I fixed our apple snack.

Light dinner tonight followed by after dinner snack.  Watched the news.  Impeachment news dominated.

Tonight we watched an episode of Wycliffe.  Nancy headed to bed and I started watching a new Norwegian language drama called Occupied.  It looks good.  

Debbie FaceTimed at 2100.  She was driving home from work.  We had a nice talk.

Very mild, 32, when took Ms P out at 2200.  Warmup coming tomorrow.

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