Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Monday January 20, 2020

Monday January 20, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  She said it was cold, mid teens, but no wind.  I was up at 0630.

Nancy left at 0700, she is picking up a neighbor to take to their MVP class.  After breakfast I drove to the Y.  It was 0750 and still dark, sunrise was not until 0805.

I forgot today is a holiday for a lot of working folks, MLK Day.  The Y was crowded.  Calisthenics/ walk and 2K row before shower.  Usually after the Y I drive home and walk to the Y.  However, the walks have not yet been plowed so I drove directly to Panera after the Y.

Completed yesterday’ blog and read the headlines.  Of course I had coffee and a baguette.

This and that:

Enough, enough of the Harry and Megan sob story!  I am so glad my ancestors had the good sense to leave the UK and come to North America so many years ago.  

Super Bowl is set.  I am pulling for the 49ers.

I hope the impeachment process is short.  I am so tired of the hysterical, thumb sucking, bed wetting press having a hissy fit every time Pelosi, McConnell or Trump opens their mouth.

We finally have some great winter weather.  Temperatures below freezing with a good snow cover.  Last night we had three deer in our backyard eating corn.  Good sight.

Before heading home I stopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods and Staples to look around.  Bought a letter size tray at Staples.  Nothing at Dick’s.

I did note on the drive home that the sidewalks still had not been plowed.  At home put out corn for deer before lunch.

Spent several hours in the office doing things that are best done on cold winter days.  Fixed apple snack and then decided to walk to post box.  Surprise the walks had been plowed so I increased walk to 1.5 miles.

Light dinner followed by after dinner snacks.  After Jeopardy we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  Temperature was in mid teen when I took Ms P out at 2200.

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