Saturday, January 18, 2020

Friday January 17, 2020

Friday January 17, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Nancy said it was cold, 15, this morning when she took Ms P out. 28 will be high temperature.  Heavy snow will start later this evening.

Nancy headed to MVP at 0700.  After breakfast I drove to the Y.  

Calisthenics and a short walk today.  I have added rowing to my routine.  Today I added a minute to yesterday’s time.  My goal is to row 2K every week day.

After Y I drove to Panera.  When I leave Panera I will stop at D&W to buy coleslaw for tonight’s dinner.  We will finish the rotisserie chicken we bought yesterday.

This and that:

Russia’s Putin is making a power grab.  The man is not a friend of the USA.  Russia continues to hack into sensitive areas.  It main goal is to make Americans distrustful of our government.  I don’t think they care about any political party they just want to sow discontent.

Apple, Amazon, Google and Microsoft are now worth over 1 trillion dollars.  35 years ago nobody heard of these outfits.   They have surpassed outfits like US Steel, GM, GE and AT&T.  The world sure has changed.  

China thought they had too many people so they started there one child policy.  Wrong move, China is becoming a country of old people with not enough young folks to pay for increasing social services.  

Bought coleslaw at D&W and as soon as I got home took a 2 mile walk.  Got my 30 minutes outside completed.

Spent time in office checking up on family genealogy.  I called My Heritage to get some info on their annual charge.  I was on hold for 30 minutes before I gave up.

Chicken sandwiches for dinner.  Very good.  After fixed our post dinner snacks.  This evening we watched another episode of “Call the MidWifes”.  This is an excellent show.  Very well written and acted.

I stayed up and watched Giri/Haji.  Took Ms P out at 2200.  We had already received about 1” on snow.  I shoveled our walk.  Major snow tonight.

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