Monday, January 13, 2020

Saturday January 11, 2020

Saturday January 11, 2020

Blog time 1130 sitting in living room.

It rained hard all night.  Up at 0500 took Ms P out.  It was still raining, mild, 42, with wind.  Not quite the storm of the century.

This morning Nancy and I drove to Panera for breakfast.  The place was empty.  During our stay the temperature had dropped 10 degrees to 32.  We now have a rain/snow mix.

I dropped Nancy off at home and then headed to the Y.  The rain/snow mix spooked me so I turned around and headed home.  I will do calisthenics at home and maybe row 2K.

Nancy is multi tasking right now.  She is doing laundry and fixing bean soup.  The bean soup smells good.

Checked my email and read some headlines.  I have the electric fireplace going full blast.  The basement area is uncomfortable in winter without the electric heater.

I finally got motivated enough to do some calisthenics (50%) and a 1200m row.  The rowing machine is an excellent cardio machine.  After 6 minutes my average heart rate was 130.  

I shaved and showered upstairs because it is warmer.  Winter time so my skin is dry, dry, dry.  I had Nancy put lotion on the hard to reach areas on my back.  

After lunch, I checked outside.  Our sidewalk and drive were covered with a thin layer of ice.  Looks like I will not get my 30 minutes outside today.

Took a nap.  Watched some sports on TV.  For the second day I forgot to fix our apple snack.

The bean soup Nancy fixed for dinner was great.  Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murder.  Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  We got caught up.  

Below freezing when I took Ms P out at 2200.  The walk was treacherous so I spent some time salting the walk.  More snow predicted for tonight.  Winter Storm Warning up for our area.

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