Saturday, February 1, 2020

Friday January 31, 2020

Nancy was first up.  She said light snow and temps in high 20s.  She left home at 0700 for a class at MVP.

After breakfast I took Ms P out and it was still snowing.  Yesterday I wrote that I would take my bike.  But I don’t ride the bike when it is snowing and the temp is below 32.

Big turnout for the classes at the Y.  However, the number of folks working out on their own was small.  

Because of my stomach muscle pull I lightened up on sit-ups and leg raises.  The area was still tender.  Next week I will start swimming in lieu of calisthenics.  I did walk a mile today.

At Panera this morning instead of a baguette I had a bowl of oatmeal.  Checked the nutrient list and oatmeal has fewer calories than a baguette.  

Today at 2300 in the UK, BRexit will finally be accomplished.  About time.

Normal afternoon, walk, lunch, nap in my recliner with heating pad on my stomach.  Finished afternoon with apple snack.

Left home at 1630.  We met Becky Verker and Phil Hertel at a new restaurant in Woodland Mall called Blackrock.  The place was jammed.  Nancy and I shared a chicken dinner,  Becky and Phil split the salmon.  The portions were huge so 1/2 was plenty.  A very pleasant evening.

At home we watched an episode Endeavour before turning in.  Warm weather continues.

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