Monday, February 3, 2020

Sunday February 2, 2020

Weekend Update for WE 02FEB20

Blog time 1135 Monday the 3rd sitting at Panera

Saturday February 1, 2020

I was up at 0500.  Took Ms P out and then back to bed.  Good grief I slept in until 0800.

We checked the weather and decided it was ok to walk to Panera.  Encountered no icy walks.

Oatmeal, coffee and bagel for me and coffee for Nancy.  It started to rain/snow on our walk home.  The temp today will get to 40s.

At home Nancy started laundry and I got in Escape and headed to Breton Village.  Stopped at Fitzgerald’s and Orvis.  I recently bought a pair of pants at Fitzgerald’s.  The material was super stretchy and were not slim fit.  Old men should not wear slim fit.  The pants are super comfortable.  I made no purchase.

At home Nancy and I drove to Trader Joe’s.  Tomorrow we are attending lunch at the Moleski’s.  Our job is to buy the wine.  TJ’s had a good selection.  We bought four bottles.  We encountered heavy rain on way home.

This afternoon, I set out corn for deer, had lunch and then started assembling the clothes pole I bought at IKEA on Wednesday.  The instructions were clear so I had no problem putting the pole together.  The pole has about three times as many hangers as the wood pole it replaces.  Good buy.

I took a nap downstairs using our reclining deck chair.  Put the heating pad on my stomach muscle.  

For dinner we finished the chicken noodle soup.  I also ate some of the baguette we bought at Trader Joe’s.

Tonight Alessandra FaceTimed us.  Great to hear what was happening with her family.

We watched episode of No Offence.  As soon as the episode ended Debbie FaceTimed us.  We got caught up on her activities.  FaceTime is great for keeping up with families.

It was 42 when I took Ms P out at 2200.  

Sunday December 2, 2020

We were both up at 0630.  For the first time in a month we took our Sunday morning walk.  I had a quick breakfast before going to Panera to get coffee for Nancy and I to take to church.

Trinity Lutheran was crowded today.  Because of our lunch at Moleski’s we did not have time for Meijer’s.  
I did have time to put our corn for deer.  We left home at 1130 in bright sun.  The temperature today is expected to reach 50.

The lunch was attended by all of Nancy’s Book Club.  Saugage, chicken and Mac and cheese were on the menu.  Good time.  We were home by 1500.

Of course I had time for my Sunday nap.  We had a very light dinner.  Tonight we watched the Super Bowl.  Nancy and I did not see a commercial we thought was outstanding.  

For the first time this year I watched an entire football game.  I thought it was great, especially the fourth quarter.  Nancy missed Kansas City’s comeback.  She headed to bed thinking SF would win.

Today is Groundhog Day and the no shadow so we will have an early spring.  I don’t think so.

When I took Ms P out we encountered six deer running through our front yard.  Ms P was transfixed.

Yesterday I forgot to mention that Feb 1 was Nancy’s sister Judy’s birthday.  Judy was a great Aunt to our kids.  God Bless Judy and RIP.

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