Friday, February 7, 2020

Thursday February 6, 2020

Thursday February 6, 2020

Blog time 1125 at Panera

Today is Nancy’s swim day so she was up early.  Took Ms P out and reported we had received about 1/2” of snow.  It was 27.  Our driveway had already been plowed.

No bike today.  I drove to the Y.  Today I changed my exercise routine.  Added the stationary bike and some bench presses.  Eliminated leg raises, and push ups until my stomach muscle has recovered.  Showered and shaved before driving to Panera.  Encountered light snow.

Ordered oatmeal and coffee before checking emails and reading papers.  This and that from news:

The President was acquitted in his impeachment trial.

Senator Romney has been criticized for voting for impeachment.  Why?  He was elected to vote for what he believed.  Since when is voting for what you think is right a problem?  Would Senator Collins get the same flack if she had voted to impeach?

The Dept of Homeland Security will no longer issue Global Entry Cards to New Yorkers.  Apparently New York won’t release info needed when doing a background check on a citizen.  Homeland Security is right.

On this date in 1938, Great grandfather Sanborn said it was warm and foggy in Ossineke, Mi.  Temperature was 34.  Cousin David saw 20 quail.  Great Grandfather was turned back from his trip to Hubbard Lake because of ice on the road.

It was snowing when I left Panera.  As soon as I got home I took a 30 minute walk.  We had planned on going out tonight but I told Nancy I did not want to go out in this weather.  Instead we are having poached eggs on toast.  

Put out corn for deer.  The snow should cover the corn before they arrive later this afternoon.

Late lunch and then headed to office.  

Finished reading the news. 

My bike speedometer will not turn off.  I removed it from the bike and brought it down to the office.  I was going to call the manufacturer but after fiddling around  I got it to work.  Fiddling around often beats reading the manual.

On a whim I bought a gadget at the Apple store that will improve my posture.  The thing attaches to my back and sends a message when I slouch.  I did read this manual.

Took a short nap.

Fixed our apple snack.

Ms P has been failing.  Today she had two accidents in the kitchen.

At exactly 1800 three deer arrived.  They were able to find the corn under the snow.

We had a light dinner.  Tonight after our usual viewing we watched the last episode, season 1, of an Australian detective show.  We both liked the show.

I stayed up and watched an episode of Occupied.

Got two late evening messages.

Missy texted some math problems that AJ was working on.   She was asking for my help, but before I could respond she figured it out.  I thought the problems were kind of difficult for a 12 year old.  Missy says AJ understands which is great.

Got a text from Veronica.  Grandson Lucas, a freshman at Long Beach Poly, was moved up to the varsity soccer team for the So Cal tournament.  Way to Go Lucas.

The snow had stopped when I took Ms P out at 2200.

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