Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Tuesday February 4, 2020

Tuesday February 4, 2020

Swim day for Nancy so she was up early.  The temperature was 35.  Last day of mild weather for awhile.

After breakfast I got on the bike and pedaled to the Y.  Mild calisthenics and walk before my shower.  My sore stomach muscle is not getting better.  I might have to switch to swimming, ugg!

Today is Granddaughter Akerke’s birthday.  She is 12.


This and that:

Appears Iowa is having trouble determining who won yesterday’s election.  Some news outlet say it is a major snafu.

My bike’s speedometer uses my iPhone.  I keep the phone in an outside pocket.  The cold weather drains the battery.  Luckily I bought a portable charger.  Hooked the iPhone up at Panera and in 20 minutes it is 80% charged.

Tonight is the State of the Union address.  Think our pols will behave?  I don’t plan on watching.

Pleasant bike ride home.  Checking the weather it looks like I won’t be on the bike for awhile.
Quick lunch before heading downstairs.  I have been subscribing to ENR for years.  In recent years I get only the digital edition.  ENR has changed companies handling their electronics so my password had to be changed.  Spent 20 minutes on hold getting my account straightened out.  Will need to do the same thing tomorrow with the GRP.

Paid some bills and then walked to post box to mail them.  Finished the afternoon with a short nap.  Once again I forgot our apple snack.

For dinner Nancy fixed ham and potatoes with peas.  After the news we FaceTimed Akerke to wish her Happy Birthday.  

Watched an episode No Offence.  We did watch several minutes of the SOU.  Too much bragging so Nancy headed to bed.  I watched another episode of Occupied. Very mild when I took Ms P out at 2200.

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