Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Monday February 17, 2020

Monday February 17, 2020

Blog time:  1200 at Panera

Nancy reported that temperature was in high teens this morning.  She headed out at 0715 to pick up a neighbor before heading to MVP for a class.

After breakfast I started out to the Y.  I got half way and realized that I forgot to put partial plate in.  I cannot be seen with two front teeth missing so I turned around and headed home.  I think this classifies as a senior moment.

Today is President’s Day.  No mail and most government offices and some schools are closed.  I expected the Y to be crowded but that was not the case.

Light calisthenics, 15 minute on stationary bike and a short walk before a shower.  Drove to Panera.

Today’s blog will be number 3518.  I can’t believe it.

The days are getting longer.  Today we have 10h 40’ of daylight.  

This and that:

1,000 ex Justice department employees ask the AG to resign.  Since when can’t the AG run his own show.  Last thing we want is the bureaucrats running the show.  
I think the best President in my life time was President Eisenhower.  JFK because of the Bay of Pigs and Vietnam was worst.

Recreational Marijuana is allowed in MI but not many places are available.  This is a pretty emotional issue and political hot potato.

Michael Bloomberg will be part of Wednesday’s Democratic debate.  He will be hammered by the other Dems especially Senator Sanders.

I don’t think this winter we have had ten straight days where the high temperature was below freezing.  The freeze/thaw cycles are destroying roads.  We need a sustained freeze to kill all the cooties.

After Panera I put out corn for deer and then took a 30 minute walk.  Lunch and then some chores:

Drove to Township Hall to leave our absentee ballots.

At ACE Hardware I bought a floodlight bulb and some bolts so I can mount our new handheld vacuum.

At home I put in new bulb and mounted the vacuum.

Took a nap and then fixed apple snack.

Light dinner followed by cheese/cracker snack.
After Jeopardy we watched “The Stranger”.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched The Outlander.

Light snow on the walk when I took Ms P out at 2200.  I shoveled the walk.  Warmup tonight, bummer.

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