Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Monday February 3, 2020

Monday February 3, 2020

Nancy was first up this morning.  The temperature was 30 but no wind.  Nancy headed out at 0715. Today she is picking up at neighbor and taking her to MVP.  Later Nancy is having lunch with the Blodgett Gift shop alumni.

After breakfast I looked outside and the sun was coming up.  I decided to take my bike.  Pumped up the tires and headed out.  Took the short 5 mile route to Y.  Great to be on bike.

I am lightening up on ab exercises until the soreness is gone.  Chin-ups and walk remain unchanged.  Showered and then headed to Panera.

I took me over an hour to do my Blog’s weekend update.  I think I will shorten the blog.  Too long and repetitive.

This and that:

Kansas City was the talk at the Y.

Iowa caucus tonight.

Impeachment trial is winding down.

Checked the Alpena News this morning and they had an article on the record warmth for January.  The average January temperature is 19.1.  This year it was 27.4.  A big change!

The bike ride home was pleasant.  It is exactly 3 miles from Panera to the condo.

First thing I did at home was put out corn for deer.  Our recent warm spell has taken the frost out of the ground.  Our backyard is a mud bowl.

Lunch and then we headed to Meijer’s for our week’s supplies.  Gas today was $2.48.  Monday afternoon is a good time to shop at Meijer’s.  The store was empty.

Dropped off our purchases and then I drove to the Cleaner Place to pick up my shirts.  Also stopped at Harvest Food to buy some high cocoa, 90%, chocolate bars.

Spent some time in office doing tasks I have been ignoring.  Brought the lawn chair into the office and took a short nap.  The chair was very uncomfortable.  I put it away.  I will take my naps either in the den’s recliner or my bed.

I forgot to fix our apple snack today.  Light dinner followed by our after dinner snacks.  Watched News/Jeopardy before switching to Acorn.  We watched No Offence.  I stayed up and watched another episode of Occupied.  

Temp was in 40s when took Ms P out at 2200.  Warm spell will end tomorrow.

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