Monday, February 24, 2020

Sunday February 23, 2014

Weekend Update for WE 23FEB20

Blog started at 1450 Saturday, 22 Feb sitting in my office.  Today is President George Washington’s Birthday.  Our first and one of our best Presidents.  He was born in 1732.

Slept in until 0700.  Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  It was mild, 30, and clear.  We decided not to walk to Panera today.  We drove instead.  Quick breakfast and then headed home to take Ms P out.

Today we drove to Lake Odessa.  Several antique stores in the Village are having a Cabin Fever sale.  We have attended several Cabin Fever sales in the past.  

It was very sunny making for a pleasant drive.  On the way I saw a Bald Eagle soaring over the interstate.  

We arrived in Lake Odessa at 0945 and all the parking lots were nearly full.  We visited two stores and spent 90 minutes walking around.  Free popcorn, coffee and cookies were provided.

Walking through the stores is like visiting my Grandparents farm.  Many familiar tools, furniture and kitchenware were for sale.  The average age of the customers was probably 55.  Despite all the nice items we purchased nothing.

Arrived home at 1230. Activities rest of afternoon.

Nancy did the laundry.

Put out corn for deer.

Took a nap.

Fixed apple snack.

Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup for dinner with blueberries.  Also had some Irish Soda Bread.

We watched a Netflix’s movie tonight.  A British Crime show.  Good.  

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We had a nice long talk.  Debbie helped Nancy with Apple Wallet problems.

Sunday February 23, 2020

Up at 0630.  Took Ms P out and then we took our Sunday morning walk.  Very pleasant and we saw a nice sunrise as we finished our walk.

Bought Nancy and I coffee at Panera to take with us to Trinity Lutheran.  Church was crowded.  Pastor Bob announced that Ash Wednesday was next Wednesday.    Trinity has two services.  We plan on attending the 1900 service.

Filled the Escape up but forgot to note the price.  My normal gas purchase is less that $25.  Our purchases at Meijer’s were smaller than usual.

At home put out corn and then took a 2 mile walk.  Finished several sections of the GRP before lunch.

Lunch followed by nap and Apple snack.  For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had a sausage and piece of spinach pie.  

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes and then started watching a new Acorn show whose name escapes me.  Late this afternoon my nose started running and I was chilled.  Headed to bed early, 2100, with my electric blanket turned up high.  Stay tuned.

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