Monday, February 10, 2020

Sunday February 9, 2020

Weekend Update for WE 02/09/2020

Blog time 1650 Sunday sitting in office.

Saturday February 8, 2020

It was cold this morning, 23 with wind chill of 14.  Too cold so we drove to Panera.  I had my oatmeal breakfast with bagel and coffee.  Nancy had her hazelnut coffee.

It was snowing when we left Panera.  Nancy left immediately to help Kathi Kothe get ready for a sale of purses in Livonia, Mi.  

I drove to Fitzgerald’s in Breton Village.  They were having a sale so I bought another pair of super duper flexible pants.  They were on sale so I saved $18.  

As soon as I got home went on a 50 minute walk.  The walks were snow covered but not icy.  

As soon as I got home I put out corn for deer.  They somehow can find the snow covered corn.

Spent some time reading the papers before lunch.  Nancy was watching the MSU/UM basketball game.  She told me not to jinx UM so I did not watch.  During lunch she told me UM won.   Good.

I aggravated my stomach muscle doing some stretches last night.  I took a nap in the recliner with the heating pad on my sore spot.  It works.  Later I fixed our apple snack.

Early dinner tonight.  Nancy fixed bean soup.  It was good.  

Saturday night so we just watched the ABC news before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched Midsomer Murders.  We are on season 13 or 14.  I don’t think many episodes are left.  Overall a good show.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We got caught up.  

The snow had stopped when I took Ms P out at 2200.  I think we got about 4 inches today.  The weather folks keep talking about the super snow moon.  I checked but could not see it.

Sunday February 9, 2020.

Up at 0630.  The temp was in mid 20s and the snow had stopped so we went on a mile walk.  The only thing we saw on the walk was a rabbit.

Quick breakfast and then headed to Panera to get a coffee to take to Church.  It was snowing hard when we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Pastor Bob gave a good Homily.  In my youth the Homily was called a Sermon.  

We stopped at Meijer’s on our way home.  Gas was $2.27.  

At home I got in the Taurus and got it filled up.  Now both cars have a full tank.  Full tanks are good in cold weather.  Prevents condensation.

It was snowing when I put out corn for deer.  Our upstairs Hall Clothes Tree had several pegs fall off.  I glued the loose pegs and two legs with the super duper glue I bought at ACE.  Hope it works.

Read several sections of the paper before lunch.  Took a short nap followed by apple snack.  After, we all headed down to the office.  Turned on the electric heater.  Nancy paid bills and I started the Weekend blog.

Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner tonight.  Also sausage, baguette and spinach pie.  

On this day February 9, 1938 in Ossineke, Mi.  On this day the temperature was a warm 40.  It was too warm to chip lake ice.  In 1938 folks took saws and cut out large section of lake ice.  The blocks of ice were transported to a root cellar to keep canned fruits and vegetables cold.  Sawdust was packed around the ice blocks to retard melting.  Great Grandfather Sanborn said a cold front was moving in.

The deer arrived at 1800 and seemed to find the corn below the corn.  I also looked out at midnight and saw two more deer looking for the corn.  I think the critters are hungry. 

After dinner I fixed our nightly snack.  We started watching 60 Minutes but they were all reruns.  We wanted to watch Endeavour on Prime tonight but our Prime is acting up.  Instead we watched Ms Fisher’s Modern Murder Mysteries on Acorn.  We both liked it.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched a new show on Netflix “The Stranger”.  The show was produced by Harlan Coben.  I thought it was very good.  I think Nancy would like it so I will try and convince her to watch it with me.  

The snow had stopped when I went out with Ms P at 2200.  Temp in mid 20s.

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