Friday, February 21, 2020

Thursday February 20, 2020

Thursday February 20, 2020

The alarm went off at 0515.  I was up early because I was told the best time to get a swimming lane was between 0600 and 0630.  All eight lanes are dedicated to lap swimmers.

It was cold this morning, 15. The parking lot was full when I got to the Y at 0600.  As I walked in a steady stream of folks were leaving.  That means they arrived at 0500 and had already completed their exercise routine and showered.  Good Grief, that is dedication.

Walked into the pool area at 0610 and surprise, every lane was full.  A nice lady let me share a lane.  I swam 33 minutes.  Noted as I left the pool area that every lane was still in use and several lanes had two swimmers.  

I am going to let the air out of the tires of the Life Guard who told me the best time to swim was between 0600 and 0630.  I asked the current Lifeguard the best time and she said any time after 0730 when the hard core swimmers have gone to work.

After the swim I did some light calisthenics and a mile walk before heading home.  At home I took Ms P out grabbed my backpack and headed to Panera.

One more comment on today’s swim.  If my Apple watch’s swimming app is correct swimming is by far the best exercise.  The number of calories burned and heart rate were superior to any thing else I do.

Panera was not crowded.  Had a bowl of oatmeal before finishing yesterday’s blog and reading the news.

This and that:

Folks say last night’s dem debate had no winner.  Most agree the worst performance was by Mayor Bloomberg.

The locust plague in Africa looks like something out of the Bible.   Very serious!

One million Syrian refugees are heading to Turkey.  War between Syria and Turkey is possible.  Why doesn’t NATO intervene?  

Does anyone really know the status of the Coronavirus outbreak in China?

The recent sunny days has given most folks an uplift.

After left Panera I headed to Breton Village to pick up pants at Fitzgerald’s.  Stopped at Lululemon store and bought khaki pants.

Before lunch:  put out corn for deer and took a 30 minute walk in bright sun.

Afternoon activities included:

Nap, apple snack and another walk.

For dinner we drove to Shepard’s Grill.  I had a burger and Nancy a bowl of bean soup.  As always the food was good.

Tonight we wanted to watch the last 5 minutes of the final episode of “The Stranger”.  Netflix had pulled the show. Why?

I stayed up and watched another episode of Bordertown.  Took Ms P out at 2200.  It was a clear cold night.

We are worried about Ms P’s health.  She has had a seizure the last two days.


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