Saturday, February 29, 2020

Friday February 28, 2020

Friday February 28, 2020

Blog time 1120 at Panera.

Ms P woke me at 0600.  I was starting to take her out when Nancy informed me that she took her out at 0530.

Another cold windy day.  Wind chills in single digits.  Nancy headed to MVP and after breakfast I drove to the Y.  

Kim is cleaning today and tonight we are meeting the Masten’s and Vance’s at Charley’s Crab for their early bird dinner.

The Y was very crowded this morning, especially the body pump, spinning and difficult aerobics classes.  I am still not at full speed.  I did my calisthenics, bike spin and walk at 75%.  Very hot shower before heading to Panera.

Because of my cold this week I have not fulfilled my goal of spending 30 minutes outside.  Maybe next week.

The Coronavirus still dominates the news.  It is having a major impact on the stock market.

Kim was still cleaning when I got home.  So Nancy and I made a quick trip to Trader Joe’s.  We bought wine and loaded up on frozen meals.  

At home put out corn for deer before lunch.  Quick lunch and then I took a nap.

We had our apple snack.  At 1700 we drove to Charley’s Crab.  They have an early bird special if you arrive before 1730.  We all had the special.  My special included:

Hubbard squash bisque
White fish

Nancy had a Sander’s hot fudge sundae for dessert.  I helped her finish.  A great meal.

We spent a pleasant two hours talking with theVance’s and Mastens.  A great evening.

We got home in time to watch an episode of Jack Irish on Acorn.  The temperature was in low 20s when took Ms P out at 2200.

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