Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Tuesday February 18, 2020

Tuesday February 18, 2020

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600 and said it was a mild 36 degrees.  This morning she has an early appointment with her foot doctor.  No swim.

Last night I set my alarm for 0515 because I planned on swimming tomorrow.  Before turning in I turned the alarm off.  Going swimming on a cold winter’s day did not appeal to me.

Slept in until 0630 and then started doing my at home calisthenics.  My stomach muscle started hurting so I stopped.

After breakfast I drove to Y.  I brought my swim suit with me in case there was an empty lane.  Checked and a lane was empty.  I swam 1,000 yards in 33 minutes.  Pretty slow but no pain.  If my iPhone fitness app is correct swimming is the best exercise I do.  

Panera was not crowded this morning.  Several of the regulars are in warm climes.

This and that;

The Coronavirus is beginning to impact the financial markets.  Are cruise ships germ factories?
Senator Sanders when asked if there was room in the Democratic Party for folks opposed to abortion.  He said no.  What happened to the big tent?

At home I put out corn for the deer followed by a 30 minute walk.  Lunch and then took a nap.

Nancy reported that she will have some minor surgery to stretch a leg tendon.  The surgery will be on March 5.

Fixed our apple snack.  The sun was out so I took a late afternoon walk.

For dinner Nancy fixed clam chowder and hot dogs.  Very tasty.  

Missy FaceTimed us at 1800.  She was picking up AJ from school.  We got up to date on what is happening in LA including the warm weather.

Tonight we watched NCIS.  This is the show’s final season and we think it is about time.  Nancy to bed and I stayed up and watched episode 1 of a new season of “Better Call Saul”.  I gave it a C.

It was 30 when I took Ms P out at 2200.  Temperature will drop to teens tonight.

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