Monday, February 17, 2020

Sunday February 16, 2020

Weekend update for WE 16 Feb 2020

Blog time 1545 sitting in office

Saturday February 15, 2020

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  She said it was bitterly cold.  I checked my weather app and it confirmed her report.  Temp in single digits with a negative wind chill.

We drove to Panera this morning.  We are 
Saturday morning regulars and talk to other regular patrons.  This morning I introduced Nancy to a Panera regular who teaches languages at Community College.  He started teaching at OHHS.  He was born in Greece and his last name is Monoyios(sp?).  He is good friends with Joe Polonowski.  Nancy also taught a short time at OHHS and knew Polonowski and she thinks she remember Monoyios.

Nancy started the laundry as soon as we got home.  I decided it was still too cold for a walk so I drove to the Y.  

The Y was jammed I had to drive around to find a parking space.  Most folks were there for youth basketball.

15 minutes on the Stationary Bike and then a mile walk.  Showered before heading home.

Put our corn for deer and then Nancy and I drove to Kohl’s.  Nancy was looking for a small hand held vacuum and I was looking for a tan trench coat.  No trench coat but Nancy did buy the vacuum.

Lunch and then spent time in office reading papers and finishing blogs.  Short nap and then fixed apple snack.

Light snow all afternoon.  A typical February afternoon that brought back memories from my youth.  I remember on cold February Saturday’s my Grandmother Hughes would bake home made bread.  Saturday evening we would have hot home made bread oftentimes with baked beans.
I called my Sister, Helen, if she remembered.  Of course she did.  She also reminded me that Grandmother Scott baked bread on Fridays.  

On these cold February Saturdays of my youth I would go to bed early, jump in my warm bed and turn my radio on.  I would listen to a show called Hawaii Calls.  It was broadcast from the Royal Hawaiian Hotel on Waikiki Beach.  The announcer would say it was 80 degrees with a light breeze.  The water temperature was 72.  I always wanted to go there.

In 1962 while stationed on Midway Island I had the opportunity to take a short break to Hawaii.  I would leave on Monday and come back on Friday.  Fort Derussy was a military hotel located on Waikiki Beach.  Bare bones accommodations but at $5 a night who cares.  I booked 4 nights.  A Navy pilot who rotated between Pearl Harbor and Midway fixed me up nurse.  For dinner we went to the Royal Hawaiian Hotel.  She said it is very expensive.  I told my story of listening to Hawaii Call.  It was a great experience even if it did cost almost a month’s pay.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed beef pie with peas.  Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We asked if she ever had Joe Monoyios for a teacher.  She said yes, freshman French.

Sunday February 16:

Nancy checked the weather when she took out Ms P.  It was warm enough for our walk.  We walked a mile.  A pleasant winter morning.  We did not see a soul.

After dressing for church I made a quick stop at Panera to get a coffee for me and Nancy.  Church today was crowded.

Stopped at Meijer’s on way home for weekly supplies.  Gas was $2.44.

At home before lunch I did some chores.  

Our dryer vent outlet was making noise.  I took off the vent cover and vacuumed it out.  

Assembled the hand held vacuum we bought yesterday.

Put out corn for deer.

Printed some 1009 tax forms.

Took a 30 minute walk.

After lunch took a short nap then our apple snack.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with spinach pie, pineapple and Irish soda bread.

Watched 60 Minutes, finished reading the GRP before switching to Netflix.  Watched “The Stranger” and then I watched the final episode (season 1) of Occupied.

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