Friday, February 14, 2020

Thursday February 13, 2020

Thursday February 13, 2020

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out at 0550 this morning.  She said it was not cold and we had just a trace of snow.  She left at 0700 for her Thursday swim.  

The temperature when I left for the Y was 28.  It is now 1100 and the temp is 20 and snowing.  We are having a typical mid-February winter storm.

Today at the Y I increased my stationary bike time to 15 minutes.  After some mild calisthenics, bike ride, and walk I shaved and showered before heading to Panera.

This and that:

Today is the 13th so I will buy a lottery ticket.

The Fed Chairman warned Congress they have to show some fiscal restraint.  Spending is getting out of hand.  When folks asked my political leanings I always say I am a fiscal conservative but not a Republican.

We are getting mixed signals on the status on the Coronavirus.

On way home from Panera I stopped at D&W and bought lottery tickets and coleslaw.  Before lunch I took a 30 minute walk and put out corn for deer.

Spent time in office checking bank accounts and seeing if our 1099’s were available from several investment firms we use.  Both firms said the forms will be available on the 15th.

I took a short nap in the recliner with a heating pad on my sore muscle.  Fixed our apple snack before heading down stairs.  

Kim cleans tomorrow so I moved items out of the office and bathroom.  It is easier to clean and vacuum if she has an uncluttered area.

For dinner Nancy fixed a pork chop with stuffing and peas.  Very good.  Also had coleslaw and Irish Soda bread.  I love this bread.  It is only available around St. Patrick’s Day.

Tonight we watched an episode of Brokenwood Mysteries.  The show is 90 minutes and I slept through the middle 20 minutes.  Second night this has happened.

It was 19 and clear when took Ms P out at 2200.  Temperature will drop to single digits tonight.

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